OKRA Photo Contest

2024 OKRA 4th of July Photo Contest

Show us how you recycle for the 4th of July!

Send in your pictures July 1-8th and tell us:

  • What you recycled
  • How much you recycled
  • How you got everyone to participate in recycling

Send pictures in jpeg or png format to info@recycleok.org.

Pictures will be shared on the OKRA website and social media. Participants will be put in a drawing for a free registration to the Oct 9, 2024 OKRA Conference “Clean Future, Green Communities: Collaborating for Sustainable Solutions”

Screenshot Camera

2024 OKRA Photo Contest Winning Entries

In celebration of Earth Month OKRA held its 2nd annual picture contest, “ Show us how you Reduce, Reuse or Recycle.” Pictures had depict one of these actions and the photographer had to  include which category it fit.

Congratulations to the 2024 winning entries!

Recycle Category

1st Place - Travis Hinshaw

This picture highlights one of the many ways Travis recycles cardboard on his 80 acre farm in Rose Oklahoma. This one is for gardening, where he recently spread some morel mushroom spores along a creek that runs through their property. They used this cardboard box to retain moisture for the mushrooms in getting their start.

Reuse Category