How to Join
- Complete the membership form.
- Send it with your check to the address shown at the end of the form after you hit the "submit" button, or pay with a credit or debit card via PayPal by using the same membership form.
Why We Need You
- OKRA is the organized voice for Oklahoma recyclers.
- We want to represent your voice to political leaders.
- We are a center point for networking and resource sharing.
- We help the National Recycling Coalition hear from Oklahomans and make national policy that will benefit Oklahoma recyclers.
Benefits of Membership
All members receive discounts at OKRA events. As an OKRA member, you get umbrella membership to the National Recycling Association (NRC) and Zero Waste USA and receive discounts on their trainings and events. Additional benefits apply to non-profit and corporate members. Membership dues cover the calendar year and are due in January & February. For benefit details, see the member level benefits chart.
Membership Levels
There are several levels of OKRA membership, each with corresponding annual dues.
- Student Member ($5)
- Educator Member ($5)
- Senior 65+ Member ($10)
- Individual Member ($25)
- Family Membership ($50)
- Non-Profit ($75)
- Government ($100)
- Higher Education ($75)
- Corporate ($100-1,000)
- Basic - $100: 1 membership
Additional Memberships - $25 each - Bronze - $250: 2 memberships
Additional Memberships - $25 each - Silver - $500: 3 memberships
Additional Memberships - $15 each - Gold - $750: 4 memberships
Additional Memberships - $15 each - Platinum - $1,000: 5 memberships
Additional Memberships - $10 each
- Basic - $100: 1 membership