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Standing Committees
- Communications (Chair: Lisa Brewer) This committee updates OKRA website content, manages and posts updates to the listserv, maintains engagement via social media.
- Conference Planning Committee (Chair: Ellen Bussert,):
This committee handles the program, logistics and fundraising for the annual Oklahoma Recycling Association. - Executive Committee (Chair: ">Paul Streets):
This committee is responsible for identifying policy and proposing change to the board of directors. The Bylaws Task Force falls under this committee. - Membership Committee (Chair: Ellen Bussert):
This committee facilitates membership renewals, solicits new members, arranges OKRA exhibit opportunities, updates the membership structure and brochure, and recognizes OKRA members. - Nominations/Recruitment Committee (Chair: Crystal Bennett):
This committee solicits leadership position nominations and prepares slates for board votes.
Work Groups
- Advocacy Work Group (Chair: Eric Pollard):
The Advocacy Work Group aims to make OKRA better known among Oklahoma legislators and decision makers. We would like OKRA to be the “go to” organization for recycling and resource recovery issues in our state. - Composting (Chair: Amanda Scofield):
OKRA promotes composting as a resource recovery strategy and relays updates from the Oklahoma Compost and Sustainability Association, and other composting organizations - Education Work Group (Chair: ">Keima Borsuah):
The Education Workgroup strives to increase recycling knowledge, best practices, and the economic benefits of recycling in our state, while working to reduce recycling contamination through a variety of education and communication strategies. This group organizes OKRA's very successful Lunch and Learn events. - Glass Work Group (Chair: Fenton Rood) The Glass Work Group is working to develop initiatives to develop programs for the communities in Oklahoma to reduce the amount of glass entering the landfills in Oklahoma.
- Product Stewardship (Chair: Cat Ecker):
OKRA collaborates with the national Product Stewardship Institute to solve waste management problems by encouraging product design changes that lead to sustainable end-of-life management.